Hankook Dynapro AT2 vs MT2

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Heavy trucks and full sized SUVs require tires that can handle the demands of both on-road and off-road driving, and both the Hankook Dynapro AT2 and the MT2 are best examples of that. Though since both tires are form very different categories, its best to find which one would suit your needs better. Let’s find out.

Hankook Dynapro AT2
Hankook Dynapro AT2 features raised letters and very small sidewall lugs.

Being a tire engineer, form my testing, I have concluded that Hankook Dynapro AT2 features a superb on r0ad grip especially in dry environment. And although is wet grip needs some progress, it’s also still better comparatively. Moreover the tire also gives out better fuel and tread economy along with comfort. The mud variant of Dynapro, MT2 on the other hand gives epic grip on rocks, mud, sand and even on lighter terrains, such as gravel and dirt filled tracks.

Tire Specs

Starting with the Hankook Dynapro MT2, the tire comes in 15 to 22 inches wheels, with following specs:

  • Speed ratings: Q only
  • Load ratings: C to F
  • Weight range: 45 to 90 lbs
  • Tread depth: 15.5 to 18.5/32″
  • Winter ratings: Only M+S
  • Treadwear warranty: None

Hankook Dynapro AT2, on the other side, has following.

  • Sizes: 15 to 22 inches
  • Speed rating: S and T
  • Load Rating: SL to F
  • Weight: 29 to 80 lbs
  • Tread depth: 12 to 16.4/32″
  • Warranty: 60k miles for all

Tread Features

The Hankook Dynapro AT2 gives you a 5 rib design. In order to explain it’s design I’ve divided this section in to 2 parts, shoulders and middle (area of the tread).

Hankook Dynapro AT2
Hankook Dynapro AT2 central most rib is made continuous having full depth siping, and notches on sideways.

In the middle:

  • 3 ribs in the middle make 4 aqua channels.
  • The middle most lugs carry notches (facing right and left), and full depth siping.
  • The surrounding ribs are slightly smaller and they carry similar sipes and in-groove notches.
  • With full depth sipes, the lugs are able to open/close and that way chew on multiple surfaces providing traction.

On shoulders:

  • Shoulders are bigger and longer.
  • They have less aggressive sipes.
  • They are not staggered.
  • The lateral groove of the shoulder have connector in between, these do 2 things, one, they provide lateral highway stability, and two, they act as stone ejectors.
  • The tire is missing with sidewall lugs, so running the tire with lowered PSI doesn’t yield above-average results.

Moving towards its bigger brother, the Hankook Dynapro MT2.

Hankook Dynapro MT2
Hankook Dynapro M/T2 is clearly a more aggressive tire here.

In the middle:

  • There are two main ribs here.
  • They have U shaped lugs in them with sharp edges and rectilinear sipes.
  • They make narrower inner longitudinal grooves, yet wider lateral and outer channels.
  • And as they wrap around the shoulders, they aid in both directional and lateral stability.

On shoulders:

  • Lugs are bigger here, comparatively.
  • They carry similar sipes, and biting edges on them.
  • Their outer margins are staggered, as they form big traction scoops there.
  • And you get a thicker sidewall lugs as well.

Overall it can be clearly seen why Dynapro M/T2 gets to be much more aggressive compared to AT2.

Side Note: To have better understanding between these tires, its recommended that you go through the main differences between all-terrain and mud-terrain tires first.

Wet Traction

When it comes to mud terrain tires, there’s not much you can expect out of them on wet roads. That’s because these tires really lack with one key element and that is ample siping.

Sipes are tiny slits on the tread, which render biting on a micro level. And since mud-terrain tires need more durability, they are not given with those (a lot), typically, as they may break open the lugs under heavy pressure, off road.

That’s why in this department, the Dynapro AT2 is taking the lead, even though it’s wet traction is nothing to be proud off (when you compare it with other all-terrain tires).

Dry Capability

To get a clear understanding of an all-terrain tire’s dry performance, you must consider 2 main factors. These include directional grip, and cornering capabilities. Lets check them out.

Dry Grip

The balder the tire gets, the more difficulty it faces in the gripping department.

That’s why out of both, it’s not a surprise to see, Dynapro MT2 being a (more aggressive) mud terrain tire, lacking overall.

Hankook Dynapro AT2 on the other hand, features wider central most running rib, having solid reinforce foundations, allowing for not only greater contact patch to meet with the ground, but also directional stability.


The overall handling depends on two components, tread flexibility and shoulders lugs. And both point towards Dynapro AT2. Let me explain.

The Hankook AT2 basically comes with a harder compound, with solid foundations. In other words, its lugs are supported better, so they don’t bend/flex under pressure (when a tire turns, or brakes suddenly).

This generates faster steering feedback.

Hankook Dynapro MT2 on the other side, features less support on it’s blocks and with its softer compound. It gets to over and under steer more, comparatively, lacking in providing fast enough response times.

Moreover, being an M/T its lugs are more spaced apart, so they naturally can’t contact the ground as much as the AT2, resulting in slower handling times.

Road Noise

Noise although has a lot of sources, and most of it gets produced with the air flow. That air basically causes 3 different sound waves.

  • Through air particles flowing in, causing a whistling like sound.
  • When this air strikes the walls of the tread.
  • And when noise causes echoing, which is heard as wobbling.

That’s why with a balder structure, the Dynapro MT2 gets to be much louder here.

Whereas the Hankook Dynapro AT2 with it’s packed up lugs don’t allow too much air to flow in, and it’s stiffer rubber is also resistant to generating as much groove resonance (echoing).

Winter Traction

Off-road tires are getting better and better with their all season capability. So where they offer decent traction in summers, their grip on snowy terrains isn’t disappointing as well.

Though that only goes for less aggressive tires, that’s why out of both, only the Hankook Dynapro AT2 gets to have 3 peak mountain snowflake ratings out of the two.

The tire features a lot of tiny biters capable of holding on to the snow particles and making snow to snow contact with it.

Whereas on Dynapro MT2, its voided structure don’t allow for that.

(When it comes to winter traction, rubber to snow contact is avoided, as it doesn’t yield as much friction, compared to ground contact with the lodged in groove snow).

Tires Toughness

Durability is a key requirement for off-road tires, as these tires face sharp terrains.

That’s why both of these tires have tough inner and outer construction. They come with 3 ply polyester casings inside, and a thick, cut resistant rubber treads on top.

Though overall durability is still seen better on Dynapro M/T2. This is because the tire offers thick sidewall lugs protecting the weakest and most “susceptible-to-punctures” part of the tire.

Hankook Dynapro AT2 on the other side, could really use them, though its a good thing they got that covered on the Dynapro Xtreme (updated version of the tire).

Rugged-Terrain Traction

Although it’s obvious here which tire would perform better off-road, I still tested them both on the following terrains. Let me share my my findings.

Muddy Trails

Mud traction is achieved by 2 things, faster self cleaning from the tread voids, and scooping abilities. And its not a surprise both of them are seen better on a mud terrain tires compared to all-terrain.

The Hankook MT2 is much balder in comparison, as it’s staggered shoulder lugs account for better paddling of the mud, throwing thick clay backwards and producing forward motion as a result.

Hankook Dynapro AT2 on the other side, not only offers closed up tread voids, but with missing staggered shoulders, and sidewalls, it also can’t offer the needed scooping on this sticky terrain, as well.

On Sand

On sand, you need tires that are capable of two things.

  • Floating.
  • And paddling.

And considering both, the Hankook Dynapro MT2 is again taking the lead.

Even though the tire is heavier, the tire still prevents itself from sinking, thanks to it’s sidewall lugs which spread out and provide a lot of contact patch to meet with the sand.

Hankook Dynapro AT2 on the other side, having stiffer compound and missing sidewall lugs can’t take on deeper terrains in comparison.


To effectively maneuver on rocks, you need grip, of course, but that grip should be multiple-angled as well. Besides that, you also need some pretty tough sidewalls, as this terrain is where you are going to face a lot of punctures, (speaking from experience).

With multiple-grip angles, a tire can climb better and is not at a risk of over-turning (through lack of lateral traction, which is almost exclusively the case). And helping to that are the sidewalls bring extra grip, given that you lower down the air pressure.

And considering all these factors, it can be seen why out of both tires, you get a better traction capabilities on Dynapro MT2.

The tire basically offers greater toughness. Even though both tires have 3 ply sidewalls, its thicker sidewall lugs further add to the overall protection.

Hankook Dynapro AT2 on the other side, is missing with sidewall lugs, bigger groove mouth like it’s bigger brother, and a softer tread compound which help lugs in hugging the rocky surface.

On Gravel and Dirt

Cut-resistant rubber compositions “alone” are not enough for off-road tires on gravely roads, you need better self cleaning abilities with that as well.

That’s why the Dynapro MT2 with bolder stone ejectors takes the upper hand on this type of terrain. And it’s already balder structure can’t hold on to (smaller) stones in the first place.

Hankook Dynapro AT2 on the other side, has a lot of siping, notches, basically areas, where stones can easily get lodged in and cause damage to the tread in addition to limiting overall performance.

Fuel And Tread Life

The fuel usage of a vehicle is primarily determined by the tire’s weight and the stickiness of the tread.

And considering both, it makes perfect sense why the Dynapro AT2 comes out with superior fuel mileage.

The tire has a lighter structure, it’s lugs are more stable, and they come with smaller voids in between.

Lighter weight requires less energy to move (I think this ones self explanatory), and with a stable foundational supports and smaller tread voids, the lugs don’t get to bend too much (so energy is no wasted in to that, and is rather focused in to the rolling of the tire).

Hankook Dynapro MT2 on the other side, does the opposite. The tire features more rolling inertia, and so lugs are more prone to bending, eating away more fuel.

And since each of its lugs get to bear more pressure on itself (with the tire’s greater weight), they rub off the road with much greater force, where the tire’s softer tread compound isn’t resisting to that.

So you get a lot faster wear on this tire as well.

To Sum Up

Hankook Dynapro AT2 provides you with better on-road girp, handling and steering response, which is no surprise, given it’s a considerably less aggressive.

Same goes for its other on-road dimensions, such as fuel, comfort and tread life, they are all seen much better on this tire as well.

But off-road, of course, the beast, Hankook MT2 shines, in nearly all key terrains, including mud of course, sand, rocks, as well as gravel and dirt filled roads.

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